Radiant Handmade Sun Catcher | Vvisba


  • Shape: Circular 
  • Colour Variants: Multicolour 
  • Mount Type: Wall
  • Features: Multicolour
  • Length: 58.42 cms
  • Breadth: 20.32 cms

Height: 1.00 cms

Weight: 1.50 kgs

SKU: Product Id: 0104Cblk | HSN No: 701810 Category:

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Let our sun catchers uplift your mood with the healing powers of sunlight. The sun’s rays provide numerous health benefits, including improving our mood and boosting our vitamin D levels. Our sun catchers are designed to capture and reflect the sunlight, allowing you to reap the benefits in a beautiful and calming way. Our sun catchers come in a range of colors, including blues, greens, and yellows, which are known to promote relaxation and calmness.


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